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Transition écologique et énergétique, Innovation : Hydrogen in inland ports

HAROPA PORT was part of the workshop dedicated to hydrogen in inland ports organized by EFIP and thinkport VIENNA.

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Hydrogen has been identified by the EU as one of the primary energy carriers of the future that will help realise the green energy transition. This requires a transformation of the European logistics and energy network. Core to this transformation will be the role of ports.

In order to prepare for this, EFIP - of which HAROPA PORT is a member and Antoine Berbain, Deputy Managing Director is Honorary President - has organized a workshop series on the realisation of hydrogen in inland ports in collaboration with thinkport Vienna.

Throughout these workshops, inland ports examined the various facets of hydrogen development in inland ports by inviting a wide range of experts. 
In this process inland ports identified challenges and further recommendations to realise the hydrogen value chain around inland ports in Europe. 
They did so by discussing with sector experts on hydrogen initiatives from across Europe.

The final workshop hold on April 27, 2023 and committed to a common agreement on realising hydrogen in inland ports. This included far reaching discussions about issues of safety, planning, financing and deployment.

To learn more : EFIP, thinkport Vienna and seci hold workshop on the realisation of hydrogen in Inland ports